Friday, August 24, 2007


...I love it! Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, etc. It's almost cliche to say it by now, but the Star Wars prequels suck! All Star Trek is okay, with the exception of Enterprise. Enterprise is okay only if one thinks of it as Star Trek in an alternate universe. Like the old Doctor Who series, but the bew Doctor Who series kicks ass! They've done some great stuff with new DW. The Empty Child from the 2005 season was the eeriest Doctor Who ever: people turning into gas mask monsters, a typewriter typing by itself, a strange child always asking "Are you my mummy?", and the TARDIS phone ringing when it's not connected to anything. Spooky! And then comes 2006 with The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit. This one was Doctor Who turns horror movie--great concept! The set, the story, the special fx, the soundtrack, it was more like a movie than a Doctor Who episode. But my favorite part of the new series is when the Cybermen and the Daleks meet for the first time ever in any Doctor Who. Video following (the relevant part ends at about 2:47):

The arrogance of both sides! (Of course, I realize this is only interesting to Doctor Who fans, but I'm going to blab some more about it anyway.) If the Daleks had the abilities in the old series that they do in the new series, they would have won the Time War looong ago! When the Daleks said they would destroy the Cybermen with one Dalek, it was not an idle boast. These new ones could do it. The battle scenes were just awesome! I've always liked both villains (Cybers and Daleks) but the Daleks are the best!

1 comment:

  1. Hay Woodrow,
    I like your blog to so far. and I cought the end of the dr. who with the gas mask monsters. It was really good and as often as I can I plan to watch.

