Saturday, September 29, 2007

My introduction to the whole Numa Numa phenomenon of a few years ago...

...was via accidentally discovering this video on For some unfathomable reason, I love this video! I'm sure part of it has to do with the fact that Harel Ska'at is really cute, Harel Moyal is really sexy, and Ran Danker is really hot!* And also, because of my Fundamental Baptist past, I have a fascination for Israeli culture. There's a great deal of fun to be had in web-searching the English lyrics to this piece. At least, I had fun doing it.

*To make it easier to identify these people in the video, Harel Moyal is at count 2:04 to 2:01 (playback count goes backward), Ran Danker's foot is stomped at 1:25 to 1:20, and Harel Ska'at is seen at 1:11 to 1:09.

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