Sunday, October 7, 2007

Just for fun

Since I'm a new blogger, I'm just catching up to the things that were all the rage around the blogosphere a few months or years ago. Here's one of the things I am now able to post:
My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
The Very Reverend Woodrow the Simple of Walk upon Water
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title


  1. His Exalted Highness Duke Jeron the Laconic of Biggleswade by Biscuit

  2. Jeron,

    I just looked up the meaning of the word "laconic". Here it is from Merriam-Webster Online:

    Definition: using or involving the use of a minimum of words: concise to the point of seeming rude or mysterious.

    Pretty interesting. But this does not strike me as a good definition of you.

    Although the etymology may fit you, at least, and take no offense, your younger, hunkier you.

    Etymology: Latin laconicus Spartan, from the Greek lakOnikos; from the Spartan reputation for terseness of speech
