Thursday, December 27, 2007

Just in time for the New Year...

Have you ever tried to read through the whole Bible in a year? What about the Catechism? What about both the Bible and the Catechism? Well I have some options for you! The Coming Home Network has a pamphlet you can print out to read through the entire Bible and the entire Catechism in one year. It's here (warning: PDF) as a free printout.

Are you familiar with Jeff Cavins' The Great Adventure? I've linked to the site, but let me quote here from the What is The Great Adventure? information page:

"The Great Adventure is a Catholic Bible learning system that makes the complex simple by teaching the story (the narrative) of the Bible...Jeff Cavins developed The Great Adventure in 1984 when he realized that most people, despite their strong faith, did not grasp the 'big picture' of the Bible. Though they knew selected stories, they were not able to connect them into a full narrative. His answer was to identify the books of the Bible that tell the story from beginning to end. By reading just these 14 'narrative' books, a chronological story emerges."

Mr. Cavins has a printable PDF document (also free) on his site that will let you read these 14 narrative books in 90 days. Click here for it. If you're not that ambitious, I've developed my own version of this list which allows one to read these 14 books in a year. If you're interested, e-mail me from my profile page, and I'll e-mail you a copy as a Microsoft Word attachement. Use "Reading guide" as the subject.

Also, I have a Microsoft Word document I can send you as an attachement to read the Catechism through in a year.

My guides use the following format:

01: 257-267
02: 268-274
03: 275-281
04: 282-289
05: 290-294

This example shows you February 1-5 of the Catechism guide. On Feb. 01 one reads paragraphs 257-267; on Feb. 02 one reads paragraphs 268-274; etc,

Both guides have little boxes before the dates you can check when you've done your reading for the day.

If I get enough time, I'll develope a plan to read the entire Bible through in 2 years. Should that ever happen, I'll post it on my blog.

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