Sunday, December 23, 2007

My roommate is gone till Christmas.

I get to throw food away with abandon! This means nothing to you reading this, so I'll explain.

My roommate, by his own admission, is cheap. And he has weird ideas about food. Even his mom thinks his food ideas are weird. He thinks spending money on food is a waste of time, so he tries everything he can think of (within ethical and moral limits) to get it for free. Within this past year, his most fruitful plan fell through, so he actually does go to the grocery store now. I, on the other hand, have always gone to the grocery store. I buy food, fully intending to eat it all. Unfortunately, very often I don't make it to the food before it expires. Tim, my roommate, eats things well past the expiration date. Indeed, if there's something in the fridge with a surface layer of mold on it, he will remove the moldy layer and eat what's underneath it! If I knew how to use HTML to make a smiley that is puking, you would see one here. The smiley would not represent Tim puking, it would represent me puking! If I have food that's old, he tells me to let him know about it and not to throw it away so he can eat it. I always so "Okay," but throw the food out anyway. I feel a little guilty about this. Not the lying part, the throwing away food part. It's like I'm being naughty!

But Tim is visiting family out of state till Christmas. I went on a throw-out-food-free-for-all last night. I hope something else expires before he gets back!


  1. An old friend of mine used to have habits similar to your roommate's. What made it funnier was that his own housemate at the time was a mycologist. We would regularly turn green at the thought of some of the food our mutual friend would cheerfully scrape the scum off.

    Incidentally, Woodrow, if you download Skype, you'll see that it has quite a good puking icon.

  2. I had to look up the word mycologist (via Merriam-Webster Online: If the mycologist, who knows what this stuff is better than the average joe does, turns green at the gross factor...well, I don't even know what to say! And carefully explaining the health risks to my roommatem, and your friend, too, I bet, is quite useless.

    By the way, I never had that discussion with my parents. You know, the one correcting their erroneous ideas about my sexual purity. Too chicken!
