Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Random Conversation I had with a Coworker

Dave: "I think [another coworker] forgot to show the nurse the Trendelenberg function on this (hospital) bed when he placed it."

Me: "I usually forget to tell the nurses how to use Trend. when I place a patient on that bed, too.
Dave: "Fortunately, most of the staff at [the hospital under discussion] know our beds."

Me: "Yeah, but sometimes you find someone that doesn't know anything at all about them, and you have to give them a complete inservice. The other day I was in [one of the ICU departments] and had to give an inservice to a hot nurse...Anthony."

Dave: "You know, it doesn't bother me that you're gay, but when you say 'hot nurse' and follow it up with a guy's name, it kinda throws me."

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Yeah, I've never *quite* got used to that sort of thing myself.
