Thursday, January 10, 2008

Disturbing dreams

I have pains in my legs. They ache during the day, but it's worse at night. On Friday, December 28th (Twila Paris' birthday, by the way), I went to the doctor about them because they disrupt my sleep quite often. I can be in the middle of deep sleep, and my legs will hurt so bad they wake me up. Anyway, I went to the doctor and she gave me some medicine that has helped immensely. I can sleep the whole night through, now. But I've been having disturbing dreams lately. A side-effect of the medication? I don’t know. It could be coincidence.

In the first dream, I was a prisoner in a Nazi prison. This dream and the next one are rather vague to me, so I don’t remember a lot of the details. A Nazi captain was interrogating (but not torturing) me because I was hiding Jews. It was a little frightening, but I think I realized I was dreaming so it wasn't a nightmare-ish dream. Just disturbing. And I got to meet the ten Boom family! That part was actually nice!

Before I tell you my next dream, also disturbing but not a nightmare, I acknowledge the fact that I am a geek.

So I'm walking down a hall in some large building in the middle of some large city (Chicago, I think), surrounded by hundreds of people, when all of a sudden, dozens of these little floating laser turret thingies break through a wall and start shooting people. They're flying everywhere, killing everyone in sight. I run, of course. And I hear a maniacal, grating voice behind me saying "Exterminate!" (Jeron, that'a a link to a video.) Yes, this was a Doctor Who dream! And I knew I had to find the TARDIS, and a Dalek was chasing me. Disturbing.

But the most disturbing dream of all was the one I had two nights ago. I was making out with a blond chick. That's only partially disturbing. The dream went like this: Marcus (see my last post) and I were lovers. He took me to meet some lady friends of his who were models. For some reason in the dream we were both "in the closet". (I don’t know why I was in the closet, I don’t hide it in real life. If it comes up in conversation, I tell people. For example, while I was still a new employee at the company I work for, the guys were talking about what they look for in women. They asked me, too, and I tried to avoid the question but couldn't. At work they think of me as a gay Catholic who's not looking for sex.) Anyway, we were both "closeted". He didn’t want anyone to know about our sexual orientation or relationship. He, the models, and I went out to a restaurant. One of the models, the blond one, liked me. She flirted with me and I flirted back. Then she kissed me. I didn't know what to do, so I kissed her back. Then she gave me some tongue. Indeed, at this point in my dream we were, as my grandmother would say, "wallerin' all over each other." We were being kind of rude, making out in the restaurant. People were staring. She placed her hand on my groin where I did not have an erection! I remember thinking, "I hope she doesn’t get mad because she's not doing anything for me down there." And I glimpsed Marcus out of the corner of my eye. He was ignoring us. I felt bad. I wanted to tell him I was going along with this girl as "cover". She was my "beard". Then I felt bad because I was using her. Then I woke up.

That dream has haunted me these last few days.

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