Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Recent Telephone Conversation I Had at My Parents' House

Ring, ring

Me: "Hello."

Female voice on line: "Who is this?"

Me: "I don't know. I can't see you."

Female Voice: "Well, I can't see you either."

Me: "We seem to be at an impasse."

Female Voice: "Who is this?"

Me: "I don't know. I can't see you."

Female Voice, a little frustrated: "I can't see you either!"

Me: "Well, we're at an impasse!"

Female Voice, a bit more frustrated: "Look. I called this number because I found it on my Caller-ID and don't recognize it."

Me: "So you call my house and ask me who I am? Don't you think the polite thing to do would be to start out with, 'My name is so-and-so. I found your number on my Caller-ID and was wondering who you are?'"

Female Voice, very rude: "Good-bye!"


  1. I love those conversations. Even better is when they call and assume they know who you are, but don't believe you when you say they're wrong.

    Love the blog. Keep it up.

    the Mom

  2. Dear the mom: welcome to my blog and thanks for the comment. I shall endeavor to give satisfaction.
