Monday, February 25, 2008


That's a somewhat misleading heading. It will lead some to believe I'm on vacation this week. Alas! This is not so! My vacation doesn't begin until March 12. I'm not going anywhere. I was supposed to go on a pilgrimmage (with a possible day trip to the beach--the real beach by the ocean, not the lake shore that passes for the beach here in Michigan), but my pilgrimmage/vacation buddy canceled (Mr. David Shaner, you owe me! Well, not really, considering the circumstances).

Vacation! I can't wait! Eight days, I'll have! Eight days to do everything I don't normally have time to do: hang out with friends, daily Mass, go to the library, catch up on e-mail, organize everything I own, get two more bookcases (for a total of eight, with the eighth one being for overflow from the other seven), watch all of Torchwood Season One on DVD, sleep!

Eight days without the stress of work! I'll be really ticked if I get sick!

I feel like a little kid in a car on a long trip: Are we there yet? (The Trekkie in me wonders if little Vulcan children ask their parents: "How much time will have elapsed before we have reached our appointed destination?")

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...daily mass followed by a Torchwood marathon...sounds like a zero-sum day to me. :-)

    Enjoyed the chat last night. We'll have to talk again during your vacation, if we can figure out a time. I'm assuming you won't be adapting to normal circadian rhythms then, either. :-)
