Thursday, March 13, 2008

A rather curious phenomenon occurs when I sit down at my computer.

It's one I've mentioned before, although I don't remember in which post. While I'm driving down the road, my mind thinks of many things I'd like to blog about. When I get home and sit down at my computer, they all magically leave my mind! And it's amazing how quickly the phenomenon occurs! It's 6:52am. I should be sleeping, right now, but I can't. My vacation started yesterday, and the night before I stayed up till sometime after 8am (I usually go to bed at 4 in the morning.) My intention was to go to bed early on Tuesday night, but I suffer from insomnia every once in a while, and I suffered from it on Tuesday night (which was really Wednesday morning, it being after midnight and all). So I slept till 4 in the afternoon. Now, I can’t get to sleep. I'm going to make myself stay up till noon, then I'll sleep till 3pm and hopefully go to bed early. I'm straying from the point.

Okay, so I forget whatever it is that I want to write about whenever I sit down in front of the computer. And I forget quickly. As I said above, I was trying to sleep, but my brain was active. It was thinking about things I can blog about. So I get up, turn on the computer, and promptly forget what I was going to write about! @#&!!

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