Thursday, April 10, 2008

Doctor Who Overload!

Recently, I had two whole days off of work! So, to celebrate, I rented Doctor Who, The Complete Third Series from a local video store that offers a lot of television series rentals. In the episode Blink, an alien race called the Weeping Angels appear. They're "quantum locked"; that is, if any living thing looks at them, they turn to stone, but if nothing is looking at them, they come alive and can kill you. They're lightning fast, and at one point the Doctor leaves a video recorded message for someone who's being chased by the Angels. The last part of the warning goes like this: "They're coming. The Angels are coming for you, but listen...your life could depend on this: don't blink! Don't even blink. Blink, and you're dead! They are fast, faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back. Don't look away! And don't blink!"

This was the last episode I watched before bed one night. It affected my dreams. During the night, my roommate got up to go to the bathroom. He dropped the toilet seat, which woke me up. The noise caused a little pang of fear to go through me, and my first thought as I was scared awake was "They're coming for you! Don't even blink!"

Perhaps I shouldn't watch Doctor Who before bed anymore.

1 comment:

  1. that was a good one.
    hay bro. how's it going :)
    updated the blog.
