Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I've been featured!

A Catholic Mom in Hawaii has featured my second-to-last post on her blog (scroll down to #10)! Wow! I was just writing from my heart, and really thought that post was kind of cheesey. Well, I guess if God can speak through Balaam's ass... (for the full story of Balaam, read Numbers chapters 22, 23, and 24).

I don't know how many hits Catholic Mom gets, but I hope some of her readers start giving money to, spending time in prayer about, and maybe even going into missions! Imagine! If someone becomes involved in missions because of her encouragement, she will share the reward in heaven! (By the way, check out story # 7, too, about Father Damien.)

Many thanks to Catholic Mom for her interest in my blog and for helping to spread the word about the needs of the missions today.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention and the link Woodrow. I am not sure of my total visitors I get either but I hope someone helps out.
