Friday, July 18, 2008

World Youth Day is half over! Insert frownie-face here!

I'm just now getting to the WYD websites. How exciting WYD is! I rejoice with the people who are able to be there live in person! For the rest of us, the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) has a virtual pilgrimmage. DREADNOUGHT is covering the event, too, and has an article written by a DREADPilgrim. (I was going to link to that specific post, but the perma-link doesn't seem to be available.) My job on the graveyard shift is slightly advantageous regarding the radio coverage. While I cannot get good radio reception of the two Catholic AM Radio stations in my part of Michigan (Ave Maria and Michigan Catholic Radio), I can listen when I go out making deliveries to certain hospitals. I heard part of Cardinal Pell's opening homily and part of Pope Benedict's speech last night.

Another thing we who have the misfortune of not being at WYD can do is pray for many graces to be released to the world through this event. And let us pray for the pilgrims, and that the pilgrims, especially the Chinese pilgrims (see the Intentional Disciples blog entry for Thursday, July 17, 2008 - once more Perma-link isn't working*), will bring back a new sense of Christ to their local communities.

*I think this may have something to do with the filtering software I have on my computer.

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