Friday, August 15, 2008

Dear Readers, Ramadan begins in September.

On September 1, to be exact. If you've been reading this blog since last year, you remember, I hope, what that means:

The 30 Days International prayer initiative begins soon. This blog will provide daily updates during the month of Ramadan so that we as Christians can pray for Muslims to come to a living faith in Jesus Christ. "For God so loved the world that He gave His Only-Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16 NAV)

My dear readers, as Catholics and other Christians we should remember that God "...will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." (I Timothy 2:4 NAV) Perhaps during this month of Ramadan you would also consider whether or not God may be calling you to be a missionary or evangelist to Muslims in this world? It is difficult to reach Muslims with the Gospel, but it is not impossible. Let us spend this month in prayer asking God "to send forth" more "laborers into His harvest" in Muslim lands.

Resources to help you:

Order the 30 Days prayer booklet

Download the PDF version

Subscribe to the e-mail list

Other things Catholics can do:

Find out the names of Muslim religious leaders in your city and have Masses said for their conversion.

Make a Holy Hour for Muslim neighbors.

Pray a rosary for the conversion of Muslims on one day, and the next day pray a rosary for those who are working to win them to Christ. Ask especially for the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima.

Buy the book Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics. Read it.
Let it inform your prayer life. Learn about Islam, and learn more about your faith, too. Consider passing this book along to other people in your parsih, especially teens and twenty-somethings.

Ask God to burden your heart for Muslims.

Encourage others to pray, read, have Masses said, etc.

And don't forget:

You'll learn more about Islam and how to reach Muslims for Christ from Abu Daoud than you will from me. Visit his site often!


  1. Good on you, Woodrow, your love for missions is an inspiration!

  2. Well thank you, Louise. I appreciate the support and encouragement.
