Sunday, September 28, 2008

I am very bad at updating the prayer links!

I hope everyone is following along at the home page for the prayer effort.

Prayer for September 26--Oops! I made a mistake! The prayer I listed for day 25 was for day 26! So, in place of the proper day 26 prayer, I substitute the skipped day 25 prayer:
Modern Tanzania: Changing Times among the Rangi People

Day 27 -- this is yesterday's prayer. And this is prayer for the day I really, really hoped people would pray because the 27th day of Ramadan is the Night of Power. I'm sorry I forgot to post the link (AND I forgot to pray myself!)
SAT-7 Kids: A new TV channel for the children of the Arab world

And for Sunday, September 28:
Outreach forbidden in Africa's Comoros Islands -- 98% Muslim

One of the things I like about prayer is that, even if we forget or are unable to pray about something before or during the time it is happening, we can always pray about it later. We are limited by time and space, but God is not.

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