Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Let us keep bombarding the Throne of Grace...

...on behalf of our Muslim brethren.

Wednesday, September 3, Day Three of Ramadan 2008.

Let us pray for the Bakhtiari people of Iran.

Dear Readers, have you ever thought about "adopting" someone, like St. Therese of Lisieux did? She decided to pray for a convicted killer named Henri Pranzini, sentenced to death by beheading. Not only did she pray for this man's soul, she offered sacrifices to God for a move of His grace in Pranzini's life so that he would not enter Eternity outside of Christ. When Therese heard that Pranzini kissed the crucifix before he died, she knew God had granted her request.

We, too, can adopt individuals, praying for their salvation. And we can adopt entire people groups! There are thousands of people groups in this world that have little or no Christian outreach among them. Perhaps you cannot go to them and tell them about Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection and what those things mean to them and for all of humanity, but you can learn about and pray and sacrifice for these peoples. Here are some web sites to help you*:

Joshua Project

People Groups

Caleb Project

I'm researching Catholic resources and will post them when I get them.

*Sadly, these are all Evangelical web sites. Let us also pray that many Catholic religious orders and lay apostolates will catch at least as great a vision for missions as our Evangelical brethren have!

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