Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fight FOCA!

The Freedom of Choice Act has got to be one of the most deplorable Acts ever imagined by anyone in this nation. We need to fight it with every legitmate means we have and with all our strength.

I was going to refer you to Jimmy Akin's web site for the best links, but, unfortunately, my porn filter won't allow me to access the permanent entry for the post. On his site, it's the entry of November 13. Please read about the story there.

The links provided are-

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on FOCA

An article on the Americans United for Life web site

(Main AUL web site here)

A petition sponsored by AUL Act

An article of FOCA at the National Catholic Register

the AUL blog

and other links.

Once more, visit Jimmy's site, visit the other sights, sign the petition, and consider writing your own letter to President-elect Obama, and those who represent you in government.

And don't forget:

Pray for an end to abortion

Give time and/or money to your local Crisis Pregnancy Center(s)

Help take care of the unwed and single mothers in your neighborhood, parish, city, etc.

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