Friday, November 7, 2008

Hello, World!

I'm still alive!

And getting healthy again.

I got sick on Tuesday. Nothing caused by or related to the election. It was some infection I picked up from somewhere (probably one of the many hospitals I visit during my nightly delivery runs) that wiped me out! Actually, I started feeling less than healthy on Monday night/Tuesday morning (remember, I work the midnight shift). I left work an hour early because I was so tired, I didn't think I could make it for that last hour. I went home and went to sleep. I woke up a couple of hours early for work on Tuesday afternoon, and felt okay when I first got up, but after being awake for about twenty minutes, my head ached and my body was sore all over. I went to work, ran a delivery to one of the hospitals, and then, before leaving for the next one, called my boss to tell him how I felt. He told me I should probably go home, but I had some important things to address at the next hospital so I told him I'd make the next run and see how I felt.

Well, it turns out I felt pretty bad! I got back to the warehouse/service center by 1:30am, clocked out immediately, lay down on one of our clean beds, slept until 5am when the morning guy came in, cleaned the bed I had been laying on (so nobody would get sick or sicker by using it), and left. By the way, I was so tired, that I got up to go pee sometime between 2:30 and 3, and nearly fell asleep at the urinal! I almost fell asleep on the drive home, too. And then I slept until about 12:30am on Wednesday. I've never been so sick that I've slept for nearly 24 hours, or almost fallen asleep while standing at the urinal peeing! My throat was sore and I was miserable. And it took all my energy to urinate during the time I was sleeping. The bathroom is only a few steps from my bed, wait...

...I counted. My bed is near the door of the bedroom which is right next to the bathroom, so it takes 11 steps to reach the toilet. The trips I took to the bathroom drained me. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Well, my doctor saw me the next day (yesterday), and I have an infection of some sort. It made me lose my voice and caused my throat to swell and block my airway a little bit. She (I have a female doctor) gave me a couple of shots "in my buh'tawks" as Forest Gump would say and told me I was to go straight to the emergency room immediately if I had even the tiniest bit more difficulty in breathing. Fortunately that did not happen!

I'm feeling better today. My voice is coming and going and I'm napping off and on. But I can breathe better!

And I wanted to do a post about the election, and another one about me starting online college classes, but I'm writing this run-on sentence and then laying down for another nap.

So good-night for now.

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