Monday, May 18, 2009

Here's a game for you...

You find a genie in a bottle. He will grant you three wishes with the following qualifications:

1) You may not wish for more wishes.
2) You may not wish for anything immoral.
3) You may not make a wish that would violate any person's free will, or that would result in another being coerced in any way to perform any action or act of the will that they would not freely choose.
4) You may not take moral shortcuts; that is, you may not wish you had a certain virtue or more of a certain virtue.

What would you wish for?

My wishes:

1) A photographic memory.
2) Fluency in all languages (past and present), in both their spoken and written forms.
3) Immunity to all sickness and disease. (That does not mean I'd live forever. I'd still be subject to aging, poison, the Mack truck driving down the street...)

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