Saturday, May 9, 2009

I'm back!

I have the internet again! You'd think I'd have a great many posts saved up in Microsoft Word, and would now be posting them. I don't, although there have been things I've wanted to write about. I will mention one of those things, however, no matter how long after the fact this is--

Susan Boyle, what a voice! I just heard her for the first time on YouTube, and I'm amazed! There are many, many videos of her on YouTube, but this is the absolutely best one:

Sorry I can't imbed it. Watch it in high quality.

Steve Hayner, the former president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, while speaking at Urbana 2000 talked to us about Heaven. We can't comprehend it fully in this life, but we get glimpses of it, sometimes through a lovely smell (lilacs come to mind), a moving bit of art, a great musical masterpiece, and sometimes simply by a humble, church-attending woman near London just doing something she enjoys.


  1. Hey, Woodrow, welcome back to the Internet. I was kind of cut off myself for a while during my move, so I know what it feels like.

    Susan Boyle, yes, you can count me among her fans too.

  2. Thanks, Alan. I have to catch up with your blog!
