Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our Lady of the Rosary

Our Lady of the Rosary by Edith R. Wilson

Our Lady of the Rosary,
I seem to see her stand,
With prayerful eyes to Jesus raised,
Her chaplet in her hand.

Dear Lady of the Rosary,
How bright the vision grows!
How fair around thy virgin brow
The starry radiance glows.

Christ's sweet Evangelist art thou,
Bright harbinger of dawn;
The blessed day star from on high,
Fore heralding the morn.

When to the chaplet of thy joys
We make our glad replies,
We tell the tale of Jesus' life
As seen through Mary's eyes.

When in the dolors of our Lord
We bear our chastened part,
We see the glitter of the sword
Which pierced our Lady's heart.

But in the Glorious Mysteries,
His praises, with thine own,
Unite to form a path of light
Up to the Father's throne.

Our Lady leads us to our Lord
By gentle ways and tender,
Weaving of Jesus' Mysteries
A crown of woundrous splendor

The first bright link, the Angel laid
Upon our Lady's breast;
The last, is bound to Jesus' throne,
Where Mary found her rest.

And so we tell her chaplet o'er,
Passing from gem to gem,
Until there flashes on our sight
Faith's mystic diadem.

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