Sunday, June 13, 2010

One of my favorite bloggers is back!

Disputed Mutability is back with a powerful post, sharing her experiences of being bullied because of her sexual orientation.

Her blog is great because what she writes often causes me to re-think some of my attitudes and opinions. Before reading this post and the comments, I did not support the Day of Silence. I did not support the Day of Truth, either,* but liked the idea of the the Golden Rule Pledge. Indeed, in the future I will instruct my nieces and nephews to observe the Day of Silence in solidarity with those trying to end the bullying of those with homosexual orientations and to give out the Golden Rule Pledge card.

Now, having said all that, my experiences in school were different in that, while I was bullied, it wasn't because of sexual orientation, but just because the one bully at my elementary school was simply a little thug! He was mostly a problem in the 4th and 5th grades. I went to a new school in 6th grade, and yet another when that school closed down after I graduated 10th grade. The first two schools were Fundamental Baptist schools, while the third was an evangelical school with a fundamentalist twist. I was never bullied because I would never admit to my sexual orientation. This was because homosexuality was always presented to my churchmates, classmates, and me as the most disgusting sin ever! According to the teaching on homosexuality I received, I was gay because I chose to be gay! Although I could not ever remember making this choice, I believed it was true because the people whom I trusted to teach me God's truth were teaching this view of homosexuality to me as God's truth. Since I loved God and yet had a homosexual orientation, I decided not to admit my same-sex attractions to myself. I buried them as best I could, and "bullied" myself in that I loathed myself and felt worthless. I'm learning how to accept myself, but it's rough going! I enjoy reading Disputed Mutability, Dreadnought, Eve Tushnet, and Adventures of a Christian Collegian because they seem to have done quite well at accepting themselves. I learn much from them. Check out their blogs.

Here's my testimony as I gave it to the priests and seminarians of the Diocese of Lansing (I'm working on updating it):

The Realities of Same-Sex Attraction Conference.

Here's the "official" prayer of Courage (corrected for spelling and punctuation) as found on the Courage web site.

Heavenly Father, You sent us Your Son, Jesus. He died for our sins and rose from the dead demonstrating Your immense love for us. You also gave us Your mother Mary to be our mother. Thank You Father for Your love.

Lord, convince us of Your deep love for us, and help us to see the ways that we distance ourselves from You. Guide us towards making amends for these actions. Help us to love You more.

Father, we implore you to bless the Courage Apostolate. Grant them Your protection and guidance. Help them in their ministry to bring Your love, fellowship and direction to those experiencing same-sex attractions.

Please increase the numbers of those willing to bring this important message to those in need, and give them the courage and graces necessary to do so. Lord, so much work has yet to be done in this area. I commit to (express your commitment) for this intention.


*I was unaware that it's toned down as of this year. That's good to see!

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