Monday, October 11, 2010

The Exodus International blog...

...has an entry by Randy Thomas about the suicides.

I don't know if I like or dislike Exodus. They're not the evil that many homo-activists make them out to be, but Exodus does seem, like many evangelicals, to view chaste homosexuals as something of a menace. I like Randy, however, and don't believe he views chaste homosexuals that way.

UPDATE: The Sheepcat left me a comment on Facebook linking to this article! We must read the same sites! (His full comment added to my original post on this issue here.)


  1. That's really odd. Why would evangelicals view *chaste* homosexuals as a menace?

  2. There seems to be a perception that a homosexual orientation in and of itself is sinful, and so failing to alter one's sexual orientation means one is not living in the full victory given us by God in Christ. Surprisingly, this view is dominant in the minds of many ex-gays, who should know better, if you ask me!

    See this link for a discussion of an article written by a chaste, SSA homosexual(where I left a comment that hasn't been approved):

    See a little more on this issue at Disputed Mutability's blog. She rarely posts anymore, but her blog is well worth reading!
