Sunday, October 10, 2010

I've been wanting to say something about the recent spate of gay teens committing suicide...

...especially regarding the reactions and what should be the reactions of those identifying themselves as Evangelicals. As usually happens with me, I found someone who said it better than I ever could have.

H/t: were some of you...

UPDATE: I also posted this on Facebook where the Ever-vigilant Sheepcat comments:

Woodrow, I like the italicized paragraph, which I imagine is what you agree with.

However, with respect, I think Marin (whose book attempts to justify gay sex) is setting himself up pretty disingenuously as a middle ground. I find his readin
g of Mohler tendentious. I don't see passing of the buck on Mohler's part. "Even long before [the Tylers and Ashers] may hear or respond to the gospel, they need to know that they are loved and cherished for who they are. They need to know that we stand between them and those who would harm them." That seems to me a pretty good statement.

And I thought Randy Thomas did well here too.

My thanks to Alan for the caution about Marin! My reply:

Alan, thanks for the info. on Marin. I placed too much trust in, and didn't scrutinize him. However, I distrust Mohler and conservative Evangelicals generally to really speak against unjust discrimination against persons with SSA. I am reminded of the time when a few years ago the Southern Baptist Convention absolutely refused to speak out against the bullying of homosexuals*, presumably because they were afraid it would legitimize a sexually immoral lifestyle. Yeah, *now* Mohler is speaking out about the issue. What was he saying two, five, ten years ago? Nothing, as far as I can tell.

*The SBC would not say that gay-bashing was wrong, only that bashing anyone is wrong. I cannot document this because it was told me in a private conversation by a person who was a delegate to the SBC National Convention that year. (If anyone is interested, I will try to put you in contact with him in order to verify the accuracy of this claim.)


  1. I should qualify my remark, now that I've read through Rob Gagnon's critique. It seems that Marin doesn't state outright that gay sex is okay, but he is at least unclear on what God will reveal to a homosexually active person who becomes a believer. He certainly treats homosexual acts as something that (based on a perverse reading of 1 Cor 6) should lie outside church discipline.

    Anyway, I wonder what difference you see between the SBC position and one of hesitation about Marin's singling out of sexual orientation as an especially wrongful motivation for bullying.

  2. Alan,

    Just logged in and found your comment! I disagree with Marin that bullying someone over his/her sexual orientation is more wrong than bullying for any other reason. Bullying is wrong, period. But when any group of people is experiencing bullying for a specific reason, whether that reason is sexual orientation, skin color, or whatever, that reason should* be publicly denounced by the Christian community.

    It does not surprise me that Marin thinks homosexual acts lie outside of church discipline. As an Evangelical, he's outside the true context of Christian life, that is, life in the Catholic Church. The Protestants live with the mindset "God teaches ME through the Bible, not the Church! And they're shocked, shocked! that Emergent Evangelicalism has reared its ugly head. This is the logical outcome of the Protestant "Reformation".

    *I use "should" because I believe this is a moral obligation.
