Saturday, January 8, 2011

Father John Harvey, the priest who founded Courage, passed away on December 27th.

I love Father Harvey. He was a good man. I miss him. I've cried several times thinking about his death. He signed my Bible at the 2007 Courage Conference. (I'll never get rid of that Bible!)

At the Courage 2008 Conference, he and I had the following conversation:

Me: "Father Harvey. My name is Woodrow. I'm a member of Courage."

Father Harvey (FH): "I'm glad to meet you!"

Me: "Thank you for forming Courage. It has meant a lot to me."

FH: (I don't remember his response to that.)

Me: "Father Harvey, may I give you a hug?"

FH: "Of course you can!"

We embraced.

Me: "Father Harvey, you're probably going to get to Heaven long before I do. I don't ask you to remember my name here on Earth, but remember to pray for Woodrow when you get there."

FH: "I will! I will!"

Then we hugged again.

I trust he is indeed praying for me and for all of us Earth-bound sinners!

Let us pray for the repose of his soul.

"Eternal rest grant unto Father John Harvey, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through Thy mercy, O God, rest in peace. Amen."

1 comment:

  1. Woodrow, I was sadden to learn of Father's death. Thank you for sharing your conversation with Father. May he rest in peace.
