Friday, January 15, 2016

My Two Year Bible Reading Plan (post and plan in progress)

I designed this plan so that I can read the Bible as follows:

1) Each Gospel 4 times in a year.
2) The rest of the New Testament twice in a year.
3) The books of Psalms once each month.
4) The books of Proverbs once each month.
5) The rest of the Old Testament once in a two year period.

It is a work in progress, and I will post the February's readings by January 31.

The books of the Old Testament are as follows:

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I Samuel, II Samuel, I Kings, II Kings, I Chronicles, II Chronicles (includes the Prayer of Manasseh), I Ezra (there is some confusion about the books names Ezra/Esdras, which I won't go into here), II Ezra (this is the book of Ezra in Protestant Bibles), IV Ezra (also called II Esdras), Nehemiah, Tobit, Judith, Esther (the full version, following the chapter and verse divisions beginning here), 

Bible Reading Plan – Year One

 1:     Genesis 1, 2  Matthew 1
 Psalms 1-8 Proverbs 1
 Acts 1:1-14
 2:     Genesis 3, 4  Matthew 2, 3
 Psalms 9-15 Proverbs 2
 Acts 1:15-26
 3:     Genesis 5  Matthew 4
 Psalms 16-18 Proverbs 3
 Acts 2:1-41
 4:     Genesis 6  Matthew 5
 Psalms 19-23 Proverbs 4
 Acts 2:42-47
 5:     Genesis 7, 8  Matthew 6
 Psalms 24-29 Proverbs 5
 Acts 3
 6:     Genesis 9  Matthew 27
 Psalms 30-34 Proverbs 6
 Acts 4
 7:     Genesis 10  Matthew 8
 Psalms 35-37 Proverbs 7
 Acts 5:1-16
 8:    Genesis 11  Matthew 9
 Psalms 38-41 Proverbs 8
 Acts 5:17-42
 9:     Genesis 12, 13  Matthew 10
 Psalms 42-47 Proverbs 9
 Acts 6
 10:  Genesis 14, 15  Matthew 11
 Psalms 48-51 Proverbs 10
 Acts 7:1-19
 11:  Genesis 16, 17  Matthew 12
 Psalms 52-58 Proverbs 11
 Acts 7:20-45
 12:  Genesis 18  Matthew 13
 Psalms 59-65 Proverbs 12
 Acts 7:46-60
 13:  Genesis 19  Matthew 14
 Psalms 66-68 Proverbs 13
 Acts 8
 14:  Genesis 20  Matthew 15
 Psalms 69-71 Proverbs 14
 Acts 9
 15:  Genesis 21  Matthew 16
 Psalms 72-74 Proverbs 15
 Acts 10:1-8
 16:  Genesis 22, 23  Matthew 17
 Psalms 75-77 Proverbs 16
 Acts 10:9-23
 17:  Genesis 24  Matthew 18
 Psalms 78-80 Proverbs 17
 Acts 10:24-48
 18:  Genesis 25  Matthew 19
 Psalms 81-86 Proverbs 18
 Acts 11
 19:  Genesis 26  Matthew 20
 Psalms 87-89 Proverbs 19
 Acts 12
 20:  Genesis 27  Matthew  21
 Psalms 90-95 Proverbs 20
 Acts 13:1-12
 21:  Genesis 28  Matthew 22
 Psalms 96-101 Proverbs 21
 Acts 13:13-52
 22:  Genesis 29  Matthew 23
 Psalms 102-104
Proverbs 22  Acts 14
 23:  Genesis 30  Matthew 24
 Psalms 105-106 Proverbs 23
 Acts 15
 24:  Genesis 31  Matthew 25
 Psalms 107-109 Proverbs 24
 Acts 16
 25:  Genesis 32  Matthew 26
 Psalms 110-116 Proverbs 25
 Acts 17
 26:  Genesis 33  Matthew 27
 Psalms 117-118 Proverbs 26
 Acts 18
 27:  Genesis 34  Matthew 28
 Psalms 119 Proverbs 27
 Acts 19
 28:  Genesis 35  Mark 1
 Psalms 120-132 Proverbs 28
 Acts 20
 29:  Genesis 36  Mark 2
 Psalms 133-139 Proverbs 29
 Acts 21
 30:  Genesis 37  Mark 3
 Psalms 140-145 Proverbs 30
 Acts 22
 31:  Genesis 38  Mark 4
 Psalms 146-151 Proverbs 31
 Acts 23

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