Saturday, October 27, 2007

One last post before I go...

I was listening to The Fast Food Song while looking at the links on the right side of the screen (beneath the Unreached People of the Day). Andrew Cusack is probably not aware that I've linked to him. That may be a good thing, I feel so low brow compared to him. He may not like being associated with my blog. I envy his intellect!


  1. Steve: so do I. Or a Cistercian.

    Regarding Andrew Cusack: I quit reading him last year 'cuz he seems so damn smug. Gimme down-to-earth folks.

  2. Jeron,

    He may be smug, but he and his friends blew up a microwave with hydrogen. I can't get my friends to do that. Well, mostly because we're not sure where to get hydrogen from.

    Read the story:
