Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Story of My Faith, Part One-One: Childhood Years Continued

This is a shorter post than I'd intended it to be because while I was working on it, my boss called and asked me to work from 6pm to midnight. I gotta get going, but I'm posting what I've writted so far before I do.

The Story of My Faith, Intro.

The Story of My Faith, Part One: Childhood Years

The Story of My Faith, Comical Interlude

As time went on and I absorbed more and more of some of the ridiculous teachings of my church and school, I became proud and arrogant and isolated. The isolation came in because, as the Comical Interlude relates, I was taught that to have friends who aren't Christians is sinful. My fellow private school classmates were from all around the area, and none of them lived in my home city. At home, there were only non-Christians to hang out with, but of course hanging out with them would be sinful. Most of my summer days were spent watching TV, and I became a huge Trekkie. I was always more interested in learning Truth than my classmates (and family), and so gained a better understanding of theology and doctrine than everyone else around me, with the exception of my pastors and teachers. I was also a very obedient child, more out of fear of punishment than a good heart, though. My oldest-younger sister (both my sisters are younger than me) was the really rebellious one of the family, and I became a holier-than-thou goody-two-shoes. My pastors and teachers, especially one particular teacher who I had for a few years in a row, fed these bad attitudes. My past attitudes fill me with shame.

1 comment:

  1. "My past attitudes fill me with shame." Be thankful. Some folks, while acknowledging their past sins, can't *feel* remorse. That's a special grace - the gift of tears. Treasure that, my friend.
