Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I have many ideas for posts...

...but very few of them actually make it to this blog. And when they do, they don't quite turn out the way I expected them to. I spend a lot of time driving for my job. This gives me a lot of time to think. Sometimes, I come up with great ideas for this blog, excellent posts, intelligently written, thoughtful, real sharing from my heart. By the time I get home, I'm too tired to write. Then when I'm finally able to sit down at the computer, my mind goes blank. I wirte silly things like this, or I do one of these. One day, I'll post something with real content again. For example, I could finish up one of my series: The Story of my Faith and Missions, Sex, and All Things New. Maybe I'll make time this coming up weekend, wherein I will (hopefully) have four days off in a row! We shall see.

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