Sunday, January 20, 2008

Greetings to all...

...This is a late post. That is, on January 18th, the Octave for Christian Unity began, and I should have posted then. Click here for the prayers.

Please note, the above web site takes you to a site run by the Confraternity of Saints Peter and Paul. The prayers are pre-Vatican II, I think, using the old breviary. But they're in English.


  1. Actually, no, Woodrow, the FSSP priests are not "rad trads" but "licit trads." The FSSP uses the 1962 missal, as does the schismatic SSPX, but the FSSP is in full communion with Rome.

  2. Thank you, Sheepcat. I'm removing my "slanderous" comment. And I feel much better about going to their site now. I love the old English of the Breviary they use. Now I can use it in good conscience!
