Sunday, January 27, 2008

I'm still alive.

Just wanted all of you to know that. And I'm doing good in the chastity area. Masturbation is a bad problem for me, indeed, it's a daily habit :-(

But in the last six days, I've only had one episode of masturbation! Thanks be to God!!!


  1. For what it's worth, Woodrow, someone at the recent Courage retreat used to have terrible trouble with sexual acting out (for more than 20 years) but has now maintained sexual sobriety for 11 months, and he credits this to the insights of Conrad Baars.

    Feeling & Healing Your Emotions is a good place to start, and if you want to dig deeper, Psychic Wholeness and Healing is more technical.

    Anyway, good on you for making progress. One day at a time.

  2. It's ironic that The Sheepcat posted this, because (a) I was working on an e-mail response to Woodrow (because it was full of verbose, unsolicited advice, ha) and (b) I witnessed him devour more than one of Baars' books after hearing from our fellow retreatant at lunch. So it's good to know his recommendation, too.

    Still admiring your bravery and offering a prayer by God's grace...

  3. Gentlemen, thank both of you for your encouragement and prayers. They are much appreciated. Feeling and Healing your Emotions is on my "get real soon" list. I am actively pursung a vocation, and having a "goal" like this has been a help in my battle.

  4. Added it to my Amazon wish list.
    I've gotten a lot out of Dr. Van Den Aardweg's "The Battle for Normality," too.
