Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Sacrifice of the Mass

Although a convert, I've learned something about Mass that many cradle Catholics, even cradle Catholics who know and practice their faith, seem to be unaware of. Namely, you can have Masses said for living people as well as for the dead. At the last meeting of the COURAGE/EnCOURAGE* group I attend, our priest-chaplain suggested that we enter our families and friends into Mass Associations. Not only did most of the EnCOURAGE group not seem to know what a Mass Association is, they also were apparently not aware that one can have Mass said for living persons. I was surprised at their reaction because I've known for years about this.

Well, just in case you read my blog, and you were unaware of this: you can have Masses said for your loved ones, living or dead, or for yourself! Not only can you ask your local parish priest to say Mass for these intentions, you can enroll yourself, your friends, your family, etc. in a Mass Association. I will give you the information for one right here in this blog entry.

The Mariannhill Missionaries are a religious order with a Mass Association They call it the Mariannhill Mass League. Here's some information on it (taken from their pamphlet):

"Enroll yourself, your family, your friends, and your departed loved ones in the Mariannhill Mass League. [The League] was established in 1983 by Pope [Saint] Leo the XIII for the Trappist monks of Mariannhill Monastery in South Africa, the forefathers of the Mariannhill Missionaries. It has been recommended and blessed several times by successive popes, most recently by Pope Benedict XVI on May 25, 2006, when he wrote, 'To all the members of the Marianhill Mass League, who support the Church's indispensible task of spreading the Good News of Jesus a pledge of joy and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ, I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing.'"

Daily Holy Mass is offered for the members of the League every day. Here are the donations to enroll:

To enroll an individual (living or deceased) in membership for one year: $2.00 (Yes, only two dollars).

A one year Family Membership is $5.00. (Family consisting of husband, wife, their parents, their kids).

To enroll an individual (living or deceased) in membership forever: $10.00.

A perpetual Family Membership is $25.00. (Once more, Family consisting of husband, wife, their parents, their kids).

A perpetual membership for an entire family (husband, wife, their parents, their siblings and siblings' spouses and children, their children and childrens' spouses and children): $50.00.

To enroll a family, write only the names of the husband and wife.

The Mariannhill Missionaries will send you a certificate with the name of the person(s) enrolled. (Unless you specifically request "No Certificate.")

The monies go to support the missionary outreach of the Mariannhill Missionaries.

Now, the Mariannhill Missionaries don't say this on their pamphlet, but I'm going to: "The more individuals you enroll, the more money goes to the mission." I would encourage everyone to enroll every member of a family individually so that more money will go to the mission.

Oh, and here's the address:

The Mariannhill Fathers
P.O. Box 87
Dearborn, MI 48121-0087

Here are links to the Mariannhill Missionaries:

The U.S. page:

The International page:

Support the missions! Receive the blessings and graces of the Mass! Get the Pope's Apostolic Blessing!

Let the Marianhill Fathers know I sent you to them!

*So called because I'm the only member of COURAGE who actually attends the meetings every month. (Alas! We only meet once a month.) The EnCOURAGE group meets faithfully, so I usually meet with them, with their blessing.

1 comment:

  1. That's really surprising. I have Masses said for friends & family all the time.
