Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I remember where I was going with last night's post!

Life without a computer:

I used to tell people I can live without a TV, which is very true, but I can't live without the internet. Turns out, I can live without the internet very easily! My life was much more productive in the last few weeks offline. I missed my blog and e-mail, but spent more time reading regular books and the Bible, praying, thinking, journaling, etc. If my work schedule was other than it is, I'd have spent more time with real, live people. Indeed, if my work schedule was other than it is, I'd be spending more time with people anyway. It gets rather lonely getting off anywhere between 10:30pm and 7am in the morning. And while I meet many people as I make my deliveries, that's not the same as hanging out with friends. Most nurses are too busy to chat with after the delivery is made. There is one nurse at a particular hospital (in fact, the hot nurse named Anthony mentioned in this post) that chats with me. I like the fact that he'll sit and talk with me. For one, it's a nice bit of socializing. And second, since I have a crush on him, getting to know him as a person is helping me to break the crush. He's married and has three boys. Sometimes I pray for his family. It also helps to remember he's a married man!

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