Monday, May 19, 2008

Life without a computer.

For slightly longer than a month, I had problems with my computer which prevented me from getting on the web. They were minor problems I could have fixed easily, but I was too lazy to do so. As you can see, I finally got around to it.

Many people are shocked to learn that I don't own a television. One of the guys at work has a TV in every room of his house, except for the bathroom off the guest bedroom. He graciously offered me one, but I don't own one out of choice. Not only is does the immorality it pumps into one's home offensive to me (and a temptation -- there are lots of hot, shirtless guys on the tube!), but I deplore the effect television has on our attention spans. I avoid temptation on my computer by using a program called Covenant Eyes. It comes in two versions. One is a filter version. The other, the one I use, doesn't filter anything. Instead, it monitors every web site I visit and sends a list to my accountability partner so he can check out what I'm viewing. My roomate is hetero, so he's not tempted by what I'm tempted by. It works out good. Covenant Eyes even monitors my searches so my roommate can see what I'm looking up, too. It's a good program for $8.00 a month. More people should use it.

So, anyway, this isn't really where I was going when I started this post, but now I've lost my train of thought, mostly because I looked up the latest Fred video on YouTube. Fred is very distracting.


  1. Thanks for this post and for sharing your story through this blog.

    First, I'm glad that Covenant Eyes has been a help to you. Praise God.

    Second, I am inspired by the description in your profile: your process of "uniting to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross." Covenant Eyes has a blog now, and I've written a series of articles about the cross that you might find interesting:

    I'd love to hear more of your story, anything you might want to share about your journey of faith, your journey understanding your sexual orientation, your temptations online, etc. Please contact me if you are interested:

    In His Grip,
    Luke Gilkerson
    Internet Community Manager
    Covenant Eyes

  2. Mr. Gilkerson (should I just call you Luke?), thanks for the link. I'll check out your postings and will be in contact soon.

  3. Any more thoughts on sharing your story for our blog?
