Friday, June 6, 2008

The last few weeks...

...have been extremely difficult for me. I'm tired of my job; that is, I'm tired of all the overtime and the on-call status. A change in the situation may be on the way, however. My boss asked me if I'd be willing to work from 8pm to 4:30am Sunday through Thursday. If so, I'd never be on call, and I'd have Fridays and Saturdays off! Do you know what this means? Daily Mass! I think I'm going to agree to it. It'll give me the vestiges of a life again!


  1. I came to visit because I love the name of your blog. (I'm not sure where I found it...maybe on a Bit of Blarney?) Anyway- the freedom to go to daily Mass is such a big perk. I am a teacher, and last year I requested to have my schedule arranged so that I could go to Mass at least once during the week. I forgot to request if for next year, and the schedules just came out. No Mass time is available. Oh well....lessoned learned. ( I had planned on posting about that later, but I never got to it.)

  2. Laura, welcome to my blog! You'll probably find that it is more wannabe that intellectual! That's too bad about Mass. A teacher acquaintance of mine says he pretty much lives, breathes, and eats school 24/7 during the school year and is lucky to get to Mass on Sunday. Is this true for you, as well? If you have some spare time on a weeknight evening, perhaps you could find an evening Mass? I would imagine you're probably grading papers at that time, though. I have prayed that God will help you find a weekday Mass that will somehow fit into your schedule. God bless.
