Saturday, June 7, 2008

On the USCCB website...

...I found a great document: To the Ends of the Earth. I love the opening sentence: "Jesus was a missionary." It reminds me of a quote from David Livingstone which I've always enjoyed: "God had an only Son, and He was a missionary..."

God is all about bringing the nations back into a relationship with Him.

Evangelicals are big on missions. What about you, dear Catholic reader?

There are one and a half billion Muslims in the world. Many have heard that Jesus was a prophet, but very few have ever heard that He is the Risen Savior. Will you go tell them?

What about the world's five hundred million Hindus believing in three hundred thirty million gods and goddesses? Who will tell them about the One God who is Jealous for their love? He wants them for Himself. Will you go tell them?

Catholic parents, will you teach your children about the 10/40 Window and how very few missionary efforts there are in that area of the world? Will you ask God to send your children as His ambassadors to the unreached peoples of the world? Will you consider whether or not God may be calling your entire family - you, your spouse, your infants, your teenagers - to live among a group of people who have never heard the Gospel? Will your family make this a matter of prayer?

Catholic singles, have you considered how your career might gain you access to countries which don't allow missionaries? Your life of character and integrity can be a powerful witness to your non-Christian co-workers.

The Gospel is free, but it takes money to send people to preach the Gospel. Please consider giving to Catholic missionary orders. Here are a few that are worthy:

Mariannehill Missionaries

PIME Missionaries

Franciscan Friars of the Renewal

LAMP Ministries

Miles Christi

Renewal Ministries

Contact some of these organizations. See if you can "adopt" a missionary. Write letters to him or her. Encourage your missionary. Pray for your missionary. Offer up your sufferings for your missionary. They need us.

O people, I plead with you, join in the Great Commission! Spread the Gospel by living a life of fathfulness and fidelity to Christ and His Church. Let your life witness to your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. But remember: your actions only convey so much. Speak to people about Christ, or they will think you're the great one, not He. Support missionaries by your giving. Support missionaries with your prayers. Give them words of encouragement. Let them know they're not forgotten. Let them know they have support in this battle. Have masses said for them. Pray for those among whom they work. Pray for darkened minds to be illumined. Pray for our priests, deacons, bishops, fellow parishioners, neighbors, co-workers, friends, families, strangers, acquaintances, and everyone, always, until "the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea."

And finally, to end, the Evangelical missionary organization Youth With A Mission (YWAM) has an excellent motto. Let us all make it our own:

"To know God and make Him known!"

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