Thursday, June 25, 2009

"Gay rights advocates outraged..."*

Read the story, by the Associated Press, here.

The church** that performed this "exorcism" is just silly (a not uncommon phenomenon in Pentecostal and Protestant-Charismatic circles). So is the fact that the "pastor" (or, at least, the article states the "pastor") "denied the ritual was an exorcism, describing it instead as a casting out of spirits."

One wonders what she thinks the difference is between an exorcism and a "casting out of spirits."

Whether there was any real abuse involved I don't know, but it seems extremely unlikely. My guess is that the gay rights groups are upset because this group looks on homosexuality as--gasp!-- an abnormal condition.

And watch out for those evil priests who go around throwing holy water on inanimate objects!

Oy vey!

And for the record, I regret that here is yet another example of a Christian group misunderstanding the nature of, causes of, and correct means of healing of homosexual attractions.

*A direct quote of Dara Brown on

**I use "church" here in a loose sense. The appropriate term is "ecclesial community", if I'm not mistaken.

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