Thursday, June 25, 2009

Vatican set to investigate "Miracle Man" in Kansas.

Read about it at---

The Wichita Eagle.

The story is good, the comments not-so-much.

One commentor states:

"As a military person I am offended that people are using Father Kapaun's name in such a way. The man was a soldier doing his job, and I am sure if he was alive he would be saying the same thing. While I agree that he may deserve a Medal of Honor, sainthood is another story. Just because the church has people praying in his name does not mean that the spirit of the father saved Chase Kear. It means that they prayed, God heard and he answered. After all are you praying to father Kapaun or God? The man died serving his country, honor him if you want, but let the mans soul rest."

The last line is what caught my attention: "The man died serving his country, honor him if you want, but let the mans soul rest."

I take it this person is of the Protestant persuasion. Granted, in spite of the fact that I was too for about 30 years, I don't know everything about what all the Protestant sects teach regarding the soul after death, but I've never before encountered a Protestant who believed we can disturb the soul of a person who is in Glory. Strange.

Thanks be to God for Chase Kear's recovery.

Eternal rest grant unto Bob Frederick*, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. May his soul, and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

And may all who have a hard time believing in God because of evil in the world, find Him in spite of the evil.*

*Both of these were mentioned in a comment given by "anonymousposter" on 6/24/2009 at 11:31:56pm.

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